1. When caring for a client with continuous bladder irrigation, the nurse should,
a) Record output every hour
b) Monitor urinary speific gravity
c) Subtract irrigant from output to determine urine volume
d) Include irrigating solution in any 24 hour urine tests order
2. The nurse can prevent the contamination from Mrs. Jacinta's retention catheter by:
a) Irrigating the catheter
b) Perineal cleansing
c) Encouraging fluids
d) Cleansing around the meatus periodically
3. The major reasons for treating severe emotional disorders with tranquilizers is to;
a) Reduce the neurotic syndrome
b) Prevent secondary complication
c) Make the client amenable to physiotherapy
d) Prevent destructiveness by the client
4. The most important factor in rehabilitation of a client addicted to alcohol is;
a) The Clients emotional or motivational readiness
b) The availability of community resources
c) The qualitative level of the clients physical state
d) The accepting attitude of client's family
5. Which of the following activities would cause her a risk in the increase of intracranial pressure?
a) Exercise
b) Coughing
c) Turning
d) Sleeping
6. Which of the following drug may be given to reduce increase intracranial pressure?
a) Mannitol
b) Scopalamine
c) Lanoxin
d) Calmpose
7. Which of the following is a form of active, focused, emotional environmental first aid for patients in crisis?
a) Attitude therapy
b) Psychotherapy
c) Re motivation technique
d) Crisis intervention
8. The major treatment for ascities calls for;
a) Increased potassium
b) High protein
c) Restricted fluids
d) Restricted sodium
9. The major influence of eating habits of the early school-aged child is;
a)Spoon feeding
b) Availability of food selections
c) Smell and appearance of food
d) Example of parents at meal time
10. Basic Principles of fundamentals of nursing
a) Cleaning
b) Disinfection
c) Sterilization
d) All the above
11. Example for second class lever
a) Scissors
b) Trolley
c) O2 tank carrier
d) None of the above
12. Radio active cobalt is used
a) For surgery
b) For Drug
c) Locally treating
d) None of the above
13. SOS means
a) Once a day
b) 4 times a day
c) If necessary
d) At night
14. Elements of primary health care
a) Promotion of food supply & proper nutrition
b) Adequate supply of safe water & sanitation
c) Maternal and child health care
d) All the above
15. The technique is used to open O2 cylinder
a) Clock wise
b) Anti clock wise
c) Upwards
d) Downwords
16. Parentral administration of drug is
a) IM
b) IV
c) Subcutaneous
d) all the above
17. Nursing diagnosis means
a) Equal to doctor diagnosis
b) Different from medical diagnosis
c) Done by the docto
d) None of the above
18. How will you identify the sensitivity of the drug
a) IM dose
b) IV dose
c) Test dose
d) Lethal dose
19. Every trained nurse must be registered in
a) Medical council
b) Nursing council
c) Health council
d)None of the above
20. Rh factor contains
a) Antigen A
b) Antigen C
c) Antigen D
d) Antigen B
21. Responsibilities of graduate Nurses
a) Patient care
b) Doctor
c) Hospital
d) Director
22. The drugs are used for steam inhalations
a) TR Benzine
b) Eucalyptus
c) Menthol
d) Camphor
e) All the above
23. The steps of Nursing process
a) Assessment
b) Planning
c) Implementation
d) Evaluation
24. Ischial tuberosity helps for
a) Normal labour
b) Normal walking
c) Normal standing
d) Bearing of body weight while sitting
25. Injury to pelvic floor
a) Sometimes occurs in first stage of labour
b) Sometimes occur in second stage of labour
c) Does not arise
d)During first and second stage of labour
26. Morulla is a ball of cells
a) Indication of conception
b) It is a benign tumor
c) Indication of ca. cervix
d) It is a cavity filled with abnormal cells
27. The fetal heart pumps an amount of blood through the placenta per minute
a) 300 ml
b) 1000 ml
c) 800 ml
d)500 ml
28. Signs of fetal death
a) The uterus increases in the size
b) A brownish discharge per vagina
c) Fetal heart sounds present
d) Fetal moments absent
29. Largest diameter of the fetal skull is
a) Sub mento vertical
b) Mento Occipital
c) Mento vertical
d)Sub occipito frontal
30. The nurse takes the following pledge
a) Nightingale pledge
b) Christian pledge
c) Hippocrates pledge
d) Catholic pledge
31. A brief description of an accident
a) Work report
b) Anecdotal report
c) Self development
d) All the above
32. Number of patients in the hospital at mid night or before 6 a.m. is called
a) Time report
b) Work report
c) Lencess report
d) None of the above
33. Change nurse is
a) Nursing superintendent
b) Head nurse
c) Staff nurse
d) ANM
34. Most important records in the hospitals
a) Patients clinical report
b) Treatment, admission and discharge record
c) Ward equipment record
d) All the above
35. The following is responsible for 24 hours nursing care in the hospital
a) Student nurse
b) Staff nurse
c) Head nurse
d) Nursing superintendent
36. Organized institute for care of sick & injured
a) Hospital
b) Blood bank
c) Office
d) None of the above
37. Well planned schedule of duty hours
a) Time schedule
b) Duty Roaster
c) Rotation
d) None of the above
38. Prevention of psychological reaction is in
a) Primary prevention
b) Secondary prevention
c) Tertiary prevention
d) All the above
39. In electro convulsive therapy (BPST -Brief pulse stimulating therapy) 90 to 20 volts of 150 cycles alternating current passed through electrodes which are applied bi-temporally for
a) 0.3 to 0.7 seconds
b) 10-15 seconds
c) 1 minute
d) 16 seconds
40. The illness of melancholia is characterized by symptoms of
a) Sadness of mood
b) Poverty of ideas
c) None of the above
d) None of the above
41. When a person having abnormally aggressive, and antisocial behavior is known as
a) Psychopathy
b) Socio therapy
c) Physiotherapy
d) None of the above
42. Indications for psychotherapy
a) Anxiety neurosis
b) Psychosomatic illness
c) Schizophrenia, depression, mania
d) All the above
43. Unexplained and irrational morbid tears about animate and/or in animate objects is known as
a) Tension
b) Ideopathy
c) Phobias
d) None of the above
44. Exact heart rate found at
a) radial artery
b) Apex of the heart
c) Temporal vein
d) Femoral vein
45. Specific gravity of urine
a) 1.010-1.020
b) 1.000-1.005
c) 1.030-1.010
d) 800-1000
46. The temperature of retained enema
a) 100 F
b) 90 F
c) 98.6 F
d) 92 F
47. The correct position for giving enema
a) Left lateral
b) Sims
c) prone
d) Sitting
48. The route of insulin injection
a) Subcutaneus
b) IV
c) IM
48. The universal blood donor is
a) AB
b) B
c) A
d) O
49. Cardiac rest used for
a) Asthma
b) Cirrhosis of liver
c) Pain abdomen
d) Cardiac patient
50. Immediate treatment of dog bite
a) Send the hospital
b) Application of antiseptic
c) Wash the wound with soap and water
d) Suturing
51. Dislocation is diagnosed by the features
a) Pain over the joint
b) Swelling of the joint
c) Deformity
d) All the above
52. HS means
a) Thrice a day
b) At bed time
c) Twice a day
d) None of the above
53. One pint equal to
a) 30 ounce
b) 400 ml
c) 20 ounce or 500 ml
d)None of the above
54. Indian Nursing council was established in the year
a) 1965
b) 1918
c) 1960
d) 1950
55. The incidents of schizophrenia is very high in
a) Normal child
b) Uniovular twins
c) Bi ovular twins
d) None of the above
56. How can you recognize a mentally ill person
a) Rowdy, violent
b) Anxiety, tension
c) Abusive, homicidal behaviors
d) All the above
57. The branch of medicine which deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental illness.
a) Psychology
b) Sociology
c) Psychiatry
d)None of the above
58. Process of modification of behavior
a) Learning
b) Intelligence
c) Maturation
d) All the above
59. A stirred up or disturbed state of mind
a) Emotion
b) Attention
c) Mind
d) behavior
60. Psychology is the study of
a) Behavior
b) Mind
c) Body
d) All the above
61. Normal sperm count should be
a) 20 million or above/ml
b) 5 million or less
c) 50 thousands
d) None of the above
62. Sex hormones are
a) Thyroxine
b) Insulin
c) Growth Hormone
63. Antero posterior diameter of the gynaecoid pelvic outlet is
a) 11 cm
b) 10 cm
c) 13 cm
d) 12 cm
64. Difficult labour is called as
a) Dyspepsia
b) Dysparenia
c) Dyspnoea
65. Quickening is first felt by the mother at
a) 10 weeks
b) 24 weeks
c) 20 weeks
d) 36 weeks
66. Ovum has the pair of sex chromosomes
a) XXX
b) XY
c) XX
d)None of the above
67. Anaemia is commonly seen in the following women
a) Child bearing women
b) Multi parity women
c) Lower income group
d) all the above
68. The denominator in face presentation
a) occiput
b) Sacrum
c) Mentum
d)Acromion process
69. During 3rd week of pregnancy
a) The ovum is without villi
b) The ovaries covered with chorionic villi
c) The ovum is absent
d) None of the above
70. Fertilization of ovam & sperm takes place
a) In uterus
b) Cervix
c) Vagina
d) Ampulla of fallopian tube
71. The vaginal vault is devided into
a) 6 fornices
b) 3 fornices
c) 4 fornices
d) 8 fornices
72. Pelvic bones are
a) Femur
b) Radius
c) Sacrum and coccyx
d) Humerus
73. Gynaecoid pelvis has
a) Oval shape brim
b) Wedge shaped
c) Flat shape brim
d) None of the above
74. The spinal nerves are
a) 30 pairs
b) 31 pairs
c) 41 pairs
d) 20 pairs
75. Ovulation day is
a) 14 days of menses
b) 10th day of menses
c) 9th day of menses
d) 20th day of menses
76. Number of milk teeth
a) 20
b) 30
c) 32
d) 28
77. Shape of the body of thoracic vertebrae
a) kidney shape
b) Heart shape
c) Bean shape
d) Pea nut shape
78. Smallest bone present in the body
a) Head
b) Leg
c) Ear
d) Hand
79. Cardiac sphincter is situated at
a) Heart
b) Cardiam
c) End of esophagus
d) End of stomach
80. Voice produced by
a) Pharynx
b) Larynx
c) Vocal cords
d)Thyroid cartilage
81. Function of the blood
a) Carry carbon dioxide to the blood
b) Carry nutrients to all parts of the body
c) Carry antibodies to sites of infection
d) All the above
82. Which is the biggest artery in the body
a) Brachial artery
b) Aorta
c) Femoral artery
d)Tibial artery
83. Life span of RBC
a) 100 days
b) 120 days
c) 1 year
d) 60 days
84. The heart is situated in the
a) abdominal cavity
b) Thoracic cavity
c) Pelvic cavity
d)Cranial cavity
85. Infective hepatitis virus is present in
a) Saliva
b) Sputum
c) Faces & blood
d) All above
86. Coal dirt causes
a) Anthracosis
b) Silicosis
c) Bagassosis
d) Byssinosis
87. The stools of cholera are
a) Green
b) yellow
c) Rice water
d) Normal
88. Rabies is transmitted by the bite of
a) Anopheles mosquito
b) Culex mosquito
c) Flies
d) A rabid dog
89. Vaccine produces
a) Passive immunity
b) Active immunity
c) Active and passive immunity
d) All above
90. Important objectives of health services are
a) Prevention of diseases
b) Promotion of health
c) Cure from the diseases
d) Above all
91. Audio visual aids are classified in to
a) Auditory
b) Visual
c) Combined
d) All above
92. Year of 1981 was declares as year of
a) Immunization
b) Handicapped
c) youth
d) Nurses
93. Copper T is contra indicated during
a) Pregnancy
b) Pelvic infections
c) Heart diseases
d) All above
94. Lung volumes may be determined by
a) Barometer
b) Spirometry
c) Sphigmomanometer
d) Lactometer
95. Echocardiography is done for the following
a) To assess the size of the cardiac chambers
b) To assess the valvular function
c) To detect septal defects
d) All the above
96. Definition of 'MI' is
a) Irritation of the covering of the heart
b) Atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries
c) Distraction of mitral valve
d) Death of heart muscle
97. Deficiency of sodium in the blood is known as
a) Hyper natraemia
b) Hyper kalemia
c) Hypo natraemia
d) Hypo kalemia
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