Wednesday 7 August 2013


1.    S/S of Pancreatitis

a)    UPASF

2.    Patient is recovering from CVA, the best position is?

a)    none
b)    flat 30 – 45 degrees head elevation
c)    side lying position

3.    If you hear nurses and doctors talking about patient’s disease publicly, what will you do?

a)    ignore and then inform supervisor later
b)    tell the doctor and nurses to talk that mouth not in public
c)    ignore

4.    The nurse is collecting sputum for:

a)    FTB
b)    Emdysema
c)    Aids

5.    Patient’s blood pressure is 128/80 mmty, HR 80, founding sunnenx, 15 minutes later, BP is 120/70 mmty, HR 72.  As a nurse, what will you do?
a)    call the anesthetist
b)    continue to monitor the patient
c)    Up IUT

6.    A child is halling immunication in …… to?

a)    Lessen potential heart problem

7.    Sx of dehydration to 1 year old patient

a)    bulding fontanel
b)    dry eyes when crying
c)    good skin surgeon

8.    Patient came with headache, burning of vision, dizziness and mix of anlina pectorus, on nursing therapy.

a)    impending MI
b)    NT6 overdose

9.    Nursing management for patient and ….. disease

a)    provide stimulating environment
b)    provide quiet, dark environment

10.    When preparing medications, the nurse should

a)    check the armband
b)    check the expiry date
c)    check the Dr’s order

11. Nursing care plan includes:

a)    assessment planning, DX, implementation
b)    assessment diagnosis, planning, implementation
c)    assessment implementation, diagnosis, evaluation

12.    Nursing care for pest lithotripsy patient

a)    Encouraging to drink plenty of fluids and strain
b)    Let the patient rest for 120
c)    Flat on bed after the procedure

13.    AB6 results for asthma patient?

14.    If you see a patient lying on the floor, what is the first thing that you will do?

a)    call for help
b)    check for responsiveness
c)    assess for airway

15.    S/S of Lithium toxicity?

16.    AB6 result for metabolic acidosis?

17.    Nursing care for a patient with blurring of vision

a)    touch the patient
b)    inform the patient when you enter, introduce yourself and inform before going out of room

18.    Appropriate nursing dx for patient with decubitus ulcers in the scrotum

a)    impaired skin integrity r/t immobilization
b)    high risk for infection r/t impaired skin integrity

19.    Nurse frequently changing diapers prone to:

a)    Hepatitis B
b)    Hepatitis A
c)    Hepatitis C
d)    Hepatitis E

20. Nursing care for patient with ventus stasis ulcer

a)    Massage the affected part
b)    BFD rest
c)    Elevate the lythmity

21. Patient on anthyperttasiue meds, what can you advice?

a)    let the patient sit for 30 minutes after giving meds
b)    let the patient walk

22.    Instruction for patient on waffling therapy

23.    Patient with IE6 ulcer, nursing management would BF?

a)    Apply warm compress
b)    Up the affected part
c)    Massage the affected part

24.    A Bedridden patient with ….. area over body prominences, the nurse should?

a)    massage the affected part to promote circulation
b)    avoid massage on the affected part

25.    Diet for mild pre-elliptic pregnant woman

a)    well balanced diet
b)    strictly salt diet

26.    Side effect of endo trachea tube to inhibit

a)    Lacerated tongue
b)    Trachea damage
c)    Protruded tongue

27.    Proper placement of endo trachea tube with an inhibited patient?

a)    Bronchioles
b)    Trachea
c)    Larynx

28.Hypernatremin s/s

a)    Dry sticky mucous inebriants

29.Why is it contradicted to one flow of O2 to COPD patient?

a)    O2 toxicity
b)    Lungs can not absorb high flow of O2

30.    Complications associated with Thynoidectomy?

31.    What lab works will you watch for with a Leukopedic patient?

a)    WBC
b)    CHON (Protein)
c)    Hermitocrit

32.    Nursing care for patients post liver biopsy?

a)    L Side position
b)    R side position
c)    Supine
d)    Prone

33.    Older adults are prone to UTI, it’s because of?

a)    Low bladder capacity
b)    Contracture of urethra
c)    Frequent passing of urine

34.    An infant is sealant on the crib, what will you do?

a)    Protect from injury
b)    Place/put padded tongue depression on the mouth
c)    Place/put infant on prone position

40. Positive sign for 20 weeks pregnant?

a)    Chadwick’s
b)    Ultrasound result

41. Nursing infiltration for OBS Compulsive Disorder?

42. S/s of technology of tallot

a)    Pallor
b)    Hyperactivity

43. When preparing regular insulin 10 units and NPH 25 units’ sc:

a)    Withdraw 10 units regular insulin and withdraw 15 units NPH.
b)    Withdraw 10 units regular insulin and 25 units of NPH and let the senior nurse check the insulin

44. You see bleeding on a patient’s cast. What will you do?

a)    Encircle the bleeding and inform the physician
b)    Remove the cast
c)    Apply cold compress to stop bleeding

45. What lab works revealed that gastromtestmal bleeding and stop

a)    Hemato crit
b)    Platelet
c)    WBC

46. Nursing DX for bipolar disorder

a)    Hyperactivity R/T prone physical injury

47. Skin traction is prone to?

a)    infection
b)    injury

48. A 16th week pregnant came to hospital and bleeding, what would you anticipate?

a)    D&C
b)    Spontaneous abortion
c)    Stat caesarian

49. Which one is more prone to hospital acquire infection?

a)    40 yr old patient with tracheotomy
b)    2 yr old with 2nd degree burns, 80% of the body

50. Health teaching for post aka patient

a)    Elevate the stump
b)    Flat on bed

51. Pain that is felt following amputation

a)    limb pain
b)    phantom pain
c)    muscle pain

52. Patient undergoing Paracentesis, the nurse will ask?

a)    Don’t eat for 12 hours
b)    You have to pass urine

53. Lab test used to monitor under conidian therapy patient INR.

54. Nursing care to patient with heat stroke

a)    Encourage to drink plenty fluids
b)    Put ice on Avilla
c)    Take a bath

55. Pupil construction due to aging is because of?

a)    Presence of fats on the surrounding areas

56. The hospital implements computerized medical administration. The    effect for the nurse will be?

a)    less accountability for the nurses in administering meds
b)    nurses requires new skill

57. Nursing care or intervention for DVT patient?
           (Deep Vein Thrombosis)

58. Results of burn crea are associated with?

a)    Carbohydrate (CHO)
b)    Protein (CHON)
c)    Ammonia

59.    Complication of Thynodectomy?

60.    Nursing care on patient with skin traction?

61.    Computation (6pts)

a)    If it’s required, convert M6 to MC6 grams to nursing.

62.    ECT is indicating what?

a)    Depressed patient
b)    Schizophrenia
63.    Colour of stool taking ferrous S04/Iron Thorax?

64.    30% of solution, how much is 60MGS?

a)    2.5 ml
b)    5 ml
c)    20 ml
d)    25 ml

65.    Please memorize normal values

a)    Metabolic Acidosis
b)    Metabolic Alkalosis
c)    Respiratory Acidosis
d)    Respiratory Alkalosis
e)    Hemoglobin
f)    Platelet count
g)    WBC

66.    Which question is appropriate to ask a patient who is admitted with alcoholism?

a)    When was your last drink?
b)    What kind of alcoholic drink did you drink?
c)    How much alcohol had you taken?

67. A normal person has __________ minimum …. ………. ………

68. Patient is having dizziness and had type of isolation he need 3?

69. What types of lymph nodes?

70. Angina patient to be kept away  from

a.    cold weather
b.    inactivity
c.    prolonged rest

71.       In Rhematic fever penicillin is given to  : _____________________

72..     If the ring is on the finger of the patient during  an OT procedure, what is the duty of the nurse : _______________________________

73.     What will be the priority for the patient who comes with a head injury to emergency ward

o    Control bleeding
o    Maintaining an airway
o    Check BP

74. Taking care of the patient with Hepatitis A
             1)  Proper hand washing              2)  Using Gloves

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